First weight loss rumor debunked! Now here are some other common traps
you've probably fallen into while trying to shed a few pounds, and
better ways to approach getting healthy without spending your entire day
in the gym and sacrificing your personality at the altar of weight
loss. And, for the most part, these don't involve exercising or starving yourself.
Don't Try Another Fad Diet
Do: Embrace The Anti-Diet
Don't: Avoid Meat In Order to "Detox"
Do: Pack In the Protein
Don't: Obsess Over Food Rules
Do: Get Smart About Nutrition
Don't: Consume Nothing But Liquids
Do: Increase Your H20 Intake
Don't: Skimp On Sleep
Do: Clock In At Least 7 Hours
Don't: Obsessively Weigh Yourself
Do: Avoid the Scale (If the Number Stresses You Out)